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9/3/2023: Admin Note: Corollaries & Reverse- Corollaries


Updated: Sep 11, 2023

Back in my Navy days we had a saying when we went to sea:

If you sleep 12 hours a day, cruise is only half as long.

As you know, my original goal with The Peerless P was to follow Princeton's travels on a day-to-day basis in "real time," beginning with her departure from Bremerton on 1 January 1944 and ending almost 9 months later during an incredible day off the coast of Luzon in late October.

During the course of our adventure, I have discovered a reverse-corollary to the 12 hours of sleep rule:

If you are a rookie blogger, never promise to do a day-to-day blog of historical events until you are retired. (If the 12-hour-a-day sleep rule is ignored, multiply the time it will take by a factor of 1.5 to 2)

I was able to maintain the daily blog posting schedule for a couple months until my real time life intervened and I had to peck away at writing when I could, resulting in maybe a post a week or so.

Well, real life is intervening again, this time in the form of training at work that will require most of my attention for somewhere in the neighborhood of the next 6 to 8 weeks.

With this in mind — and for those of you who are checking the blog every minute waiting with baited breath for the next update...haha — I want you to know a couple things:

1) I apologize for overpromising in the beginning.

2) I will finish the journey.

To be honest, while I'd be a liar if I said I don't like that some of you may be enjoying the blog, I have found that it has been very satisfying and fun on a personal level. When I started my assumption was that I would simply document the daily activities of the ship and the Air Group, and mention Dad's involvement with such as the opportunity presented itself. What I didn't expect was that it would remind me of so many of my own experiences, which have been fun to remember and share.

I will post when able, and Dad and I thank you for your understanding.



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Brent Booker
Oct 23, 2023
Rated 5 out of 5 stars.

Agree with life happening! It’s certainly been a busy time. But, hopefully there will be a special Oct 24 post.

Oct 25, 2023
Replying to

Barcelona tomorrow!

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