10-13 MAR 44
I started reading the War Diary for March 10th and 11th and within seconds my brain became flea-sized. What say you?:
People who know me understand that I occasionally struggle with time zones but I must say, after reading the above a dozen times, I think Rear Admiral Ginder's staff may have...
Humor aside, as one small part of Third Fleet forces, TG 58.4 consists of 13 vessels (3 Aircraft Carriers, the rest Cruisers and Destroyers), one doesn't need to channel Nostradamus to imagine the potential chaos and destruction which would occur were one of the several Task Groups to zig when it should zag, an error which would only be compounded were it to do so on a completely different timeline from all the other ships in the vicinity.
Not mentioned again in the Diary, apparently the quandary was resolved to everyone's satisfaction.
The remainder of the day consisted of training for both vessels and aircraft as towed targets were shot at, fighters were vectored, and simulated attacks on the Task Group were executed all while the mass formation proceeded south.
The War Diary notes that "Very little wind was present during flight operations on this and the preceding day, necessitating higher [ship] speeds for operations." It appears Princeton was experiencing the doldrums. By 2000 on the 11th, approximately 56 hours after the visit from King Neptune, the P had travelled almost 300 miles into the Southern Hemisphere.
12 MAR 44
The 12th continued with more of the same training exercises throughout the day. At 2201 Princeton was notified by O.T.C. that an unknown number of her aircraft would be launched first thing in the morning and "sent to assigned shore base."
If brown shoes then were like brown shoes today, I'm betting there was a lot of lobbying going on to be one of those chosen to fly ashore at first light.
13 MAR 44
"At 0612 left formation and launched 4 VT for ASP, planes to proceed to shore base upon completion of patrol when relieved."
"At 0715 sighted Aurora Island bearing 230˚, distant 38 miles, and Meralav Island, bearing 275˚ distant 35 miles."
"At 0914 the 4 VT from this ship in the air were directed to proceed to Bomber Field Three at Espiritu Santo."
"At 1206 commenced launching 2 VT and 8 VF to proceed to land at Bomber Three, Espiritu Santo."
"Maneuvered on various courses by the execution of turn and column signals until 1423, at which time OTC executed signal to enter port. Order of entry for carriers designated by OTC as USS PRINCETON, USS LANGLEY, USS YORKTOWN. Commenced maneuvering at 25 knots on various courses toward swept channel. Went to General Quarters for entry at 1430. At 1438 entered swept channel, course 270˚, reduced speed to 20 knots. At 1448, approaching the turn between Bogacio and Tutuba Islands, sighted a tanker standing out between the islands; tanker sounded two blasts, which were answered by two blasts and this vessel altered course to port and passed tanker abeam to starboard at 1452. At 1519 passed through the anti-torpedo net at entrance to Segond Channel and stood toward berth at 10 knots. At 1543 moored in Berth 18, Segond Channel, Espiritu Santo, New Hebrides, with port anchor chain to bouy. Ships present include various units of the U.S. Fleet and various small craft."
Whew! As a guy who, in the two years I owned a 28' boat, ran into a lot of docks, a couple other boats, and the bottom of the ocean a few times, I was sweating as I read that entry. Nice work Captain Buracker and well done Navigator Lieutenant Moiteret.
After mooring, the P immediately began taking on 8,000 gallons of aviation gasoline and 220,341 gallons of fuel oil. At 2204 a lighter came alongside and began onloading ammunition.
Logistics, logistics, logistics.
No indication in the War Diary regarding what the future may hold for the men of The Peerless P, but the journey south had been accomplished without incident.